pondělí 4. srpna 2014

X-mas Events

Events and Celebrations on GreenYacht Hotel & Event. It is the right time now to book the best venue of greenYacht hotel function rooms, do not hesitate to contact us on info@greenyachthotel.com. More on www.greenYachthotel.com

středa 11. června 2014

pátek 23. května 2014

New menu GreenYacht!

Some hints from new Menu and BBQ 2014

Beef tenderloin Carpaccio marinated in basil pesto with parmesan chips and Arugula Salad

Tomato soup with parmesan croutons and basil


Spaghetti with wild garlic pesto with roasted Pancetta and parmesan

Salmon steak with summer potato salad, semi-dried cherry tomatoes and tarragon sauce with capers

Pork steak in a dark beer sauce with a baked potato with bacon and a grilled tomato

Grilled Argentinian beef (rib eye) served with a Portobello mushroom, grilled shallots and a wild garlic pesto


Crème brulée daily special served with ice- cream

Pistachio cake with white chocolate and hazelnut ice cream

pondělí 7. dubna 2014

Spring Sauna Special offer!
90 minutes only for 10€. 

Certainly not only after sports activity comes in handy genuine Finnish sauna. We offer a unique relaxing experience, with an average temperature of 99 º C and you can leave opájet scent of cedar wood of sauna ceiling. Price is for 1 person.

úterý 18. března 2014

 Spring Menu on GreenYacht Hotel & Restaurant

Jarní menu/Spring menu

Jarní listový salát s ředkvičkami a křepelčím vajíčkem
se šalotkovým dresinkem
Spring green salad with radishes
and quail egg with shallot dressing
149 CZK

Krém ze zeleného hrášku s pancettou a
parmazánovými krutony
Cream soup of green peas
with Pancetta and Parmesan croutons
89 CZK

Pomalu pečený hřbet z mladého selátka
s omáčkou z černého piva, růžičková kapusta a bramborová kaše
Slow roasted saddle of young piglet
with dark beer sauce, brussels sprouts and mashed potatoes
349 CZK

Nebo / Or

Pečené kuřecí prsíčko Supreme s jarní nádivkou,
čerstvými bylinkami, glazovanou karotkou a bramborami Grenaille
Roasted chicken Supreme with spring stuffing,
fresh herbs, glazed carrots and small potatoes Grenaille
349 CZK

Jarní špagety s císařskými lusky, cherry rajčaty a grilovanou mladou cuketou, mozarella a čerstvá bazalka
Spring spaghetti sugar pea, cherry tomatoes, grilled zucchini, fresh basil and mozzarella
199 CZK

Cremé brulée dle denní nabídky
se smetanovou zmrzlinou
Cremé brulée daily offer
and ice- cream

118 CZK

čtvrtek 13. února 2014

Saint Valentine on GreenYacht Hotel & Restaurant

 More information on:
Valentine Menu
(28.1. - 28.2.2014) 


Mixed leaf salad with poached pear, caramelized celery a pecans
149 CZK

Scallops (Saint Jacques mussles) with braised black root ,
vanilla potato puree , orange reduction and smoked salt

Hlavní chod / Main course

Beef cheeks braised in Marsala wine,
sautéed spinach, Parsnip purée
398 CZK

Confit leg of duck with truffle honey crust,
glazed shallots and homemade gnocchi
398 CZK

Champagne risotto with lightly smoked Scamorza cheese,
rocket salad and grilled cherry tomatoes
298 CZK

Dezert / Dessert

Strawberry mascarpone with ice-cream
159 CZK